Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra


Illustrating MATERIAL PRESCINDIBLE (Dispensable Material), the brand-new book by the genius Daniel Solana, has been an eye-opening, extraordinary ride. Working with one of Spain's most innovative minds in the communication world has been a rollercoaster of challenge and joy. Each meeting with Daniel felt like a private, mind-blowing masterclass that I'll treasure forever. Daniel’s new book is a mind-bending journey through the incredible strides we've made in understanding our universe over the past few centuries. But here’s the kicker: despite all this knowledge, we’re still puzzled by some of life’s biggest mysteries. What is time? Why do universal laws exist? How do we make sense of causality? And what exactly is consciousness? Daniel flips the script and suggests that the more answers we collect, the more complex things get. It’s like solving a puzzle that keeps expanding. What if, he asks, it’s our explanations that are making the world seem so complicated? Maybe, just maybe, we need to shed some of that extra knowledge to really move forward.