Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra
Gregori Saavedra

BOLD (2024)

In an era where human attention spans have dwindled to startling lows—where even tropical fish outshine us in focus—brands are compelled to innovate. Traditional websites, with their static photos and text, are no longer sufficient in the fiercely competitive online marketplace. Selling high-value products has become an uphill battle, demanding direct engagement with customers like never before. In response, ONLIVE.SITE takes a brave step forward and Mr Ouro, the company’s CEO, steps onto the screen, delivering a powerful message to brands worldwide: it's time to break the mold and be bold.

Client: Onlive. Direction: Gregori Saavedra. Sound design: Idea Sonora.